It has been a long time since my last blog and I do apologize for that. We have been plagued with illnesses right, left and center here, along with broken bones and life in general. So sit back and enjoy!
Christmas in Chiang Mai
Suva sad we are leaving for Christmas
Trent and Jody
1st night in Chiang Mia - me enjoying sparkling wine and papaya juice - YUM!
Everett and Jaymee, its so amazing to see how these two grow year after year. Shocks me still that they were born on the same day, at the same hospital!
First stop of the trip....the nail salon, of course!
Jordyn getting her manicure and pedicure
Jaymee's nails all painted with snowmen
Jordyn with her nails all done
Chiang Mai Christmas tradition.

The kids make their gingerbread houses on Christmas Eve so they can eat them for breakfast on Christmas Day...love it!

 Everett and his gingerbread house
 Jordyn with her gingerbread house
 Jaymee with her gingerbread house
 Easton with his gingerbread house
 Christmas Eve - Jaymee and Emma
 Christmas Eve - best buddies
 Jody and Trent Christmas Eve
2012 Christmas tree in Chiang Mai
The Richards Family on Christmas morning
Uncle Schmu
Easton on Christmas morning 
 Christmas Morning 2012
 Everett Christmas morning
Emma and Jody Christmas morning
Christmas Dinner at the NEST!
My favorite place in the world is the Nest, I love the tranquility of it all, little cabins in the woods, good food and great friends, what more could one ask for?
 Rob and Trent
 Christmas day at the Nest - Jordyn
 The Christmas Feast at the Nest
 Jody and her boys
 Crazy Schmuland Family
 Jody and I
 Uncle Schmu and the kiddos

Off to the Chiang Mai Zoo, Aquarium and Snowdome we go
 Off to the Aquarium we go
 Jordyn and Jaymee going through the tunnel
 Taking the bus
 The Schmuland Family
 Funny Kids
 The Richard's Family
 Silly Boys
 Uncle Rob with Emma and Easton
Uncle Rob and Emma

Uncle Rob with Emma and Easton

 Feeding Easton to the fishes
 Emma and me enjoying fresh coconuts

Ringing in the New Year!
Welcome 2013

New Years Eve
New Years
New Years lanterns - Jordyn
New Years lanterns - Jaymee
New Years lanterns - Emma
 Rob and I
 Jody and I
 Hot looking ladies
 Emma popping the top off the sparkling cider
 Schmuland Family New Years
 Jaymee and Mom

Day of hiking and spectacular waterfalls

Going for a hike


Emma, Everett and Easton

 The water falls
 Swimming in the river
Daddy and Jordyn

 Everett and Jordyn
 Water fight!
Hugs to stay warm
 See I wasn't the only one not swimming!

Other fun pictures from Chiang Mai

Emma and Jody

Fishing in the backyard with Uncle Schmu

Emma really wanted to learn how to decorate cupcakes, so The Richards Family bought her the whole kit and we decorated until the sun went down. Emma is a very fast learner! Very proud of you darling. Check out some of her work:

 Emma's owl cupcakes
 Emma's shoe cupcakes
(these are so cool!)
 The boys and Jordyn
 The kiddos
 Classic name for a pub
 Day out shopping, ended up a pub instead
 Coffee at the coolest place
Tired after our last dinner in Chiang Mai
We say goodbye to the Schmuland family and head to Bangkok for a week

Relaxing at the pool

Pool in Bangkok....Daddy and his girls

Jumping Jordyn

Jumping Jaymee
Show us those muscles!
The Grande Palace - Bangkok
 The Grande Palace complex was established in 1782 and it consists of not only the royal residence and throne halls, but also a number of government offices as well as the renowned Temple of the Emerald Buddha. We saw the Emerald Buddha but we were not allowed to take pictures inside.
The Grande Palace covers an area of 218,000 square meters
Jaymee at Grande Palace
Girls at the Grande Palace
Me at the Grande Palace
Grande Palace

Jordyn at the Grande Palace
The girls and I enjoying a little break
This is called the Upper Terrace
The back view of the Upper Terrace
 Entrance to the Monastery of the Emerald Buddha
The Royal Monastery of the Emerald Buddha
The Emerald Buddha is carved from a block of green jade and was first discovered in
 1434. At that time it was covered in plaster and was thought to be an ordinary Buddha image, later the abbot who found it noticed the plaster flaking off of the nose revealing a green stone. The abbot initially thought it was emerald and thus the legend of The Emerald Buddha began.
We went to see THE HOBBIT, Thailand style

Jordyn - going to the movies in style
Jaymee at the movies
Now this is the way to watch a movie
Daddy and Jaymee at the movies

Going to the Aquarium at Siam Ocean World

Riding a Tuk tuk
Hugs from a shark
Jaymee with a lion fish
Mom and her girls at the Aquarium
Good old Jordyn


Tip of the trip: Safari World bathrooms
Girls with Macaws

Girls with the macaws


Tigers at Safari World
Tigers at Safari World

Don't know if I would want the job of feeding them!

Tigers at Safari World
Tigers at Safari World
After our Safari we headed to the park and of course, there is never a dull moment with The Richards Family, good thing I watch Discovery channel and knew what to do in a situation like this:
Never fear I am here to save the day!
Jordyn caught a crocodile!
Jaymee with the crocodile
The highlight of Safari World was by far feeding the giraffes, they are amazing animals
Feeding the giraffes at Safari World
Daddy and his girls with a little friend behind them!

Daddy feeding the giraffes
One of my favorite pictures with the giraffes...doesn't look real does it? But it is!
More fun pictures from Safari World

 My silly family
This guy LOVED Jaymee - must be the blonde hair
Stealing a kiss
Hilarious, Jaymee and her new buddy
Elephants painting
The finished paintings
(We bought 2 paintings the green one 2nd from left and the red one on the far right, amazing keepsake)
 After painting the elephants went for a walk and who did they pick up?
Jordyn getting a lift from a friend

Love the smiles!
Jaymee getting a lift from a special friend

Sunset in Bangkok
Back to reality
Another wonderful trip to Thailand, thank you Schmuland Family for another wonderful Christmas!
Snow in Saudi, it was up north so we didn't see any on the camp

Never a dull moment again....


And we broke our foot

Jaymee was playing at the park and fell off the slide and twisted her ankle. She didn't break her ankle, but fractured on of the small bones in her foot. 3 weeks in a cast and she was good as new. AND before you ask...YES she drinks a lot of milk!

Little Miss Jaymee
Mystery Reader at Jordyn's 1st Grade class...who could it be?

I love this about the schools here, every week Jordyn's class has a "mystery reader" none of the kids know who is going to show up and read their favorite story. It was Jordyn's turn and Rob really wanted to do it, she was so excited to see him! It was amazing!
I even got to read a book!
Drumheller Dinosaurs, cause I'm Canadian!
Well that is all for now, things have been crazy, but fun here. We are getting ready for spring break and maybe some down time....NOT!
Hope all is well!