Well the summer has gone and we are getting back into the routine of things. School started on Sept 1 and we finally have internet again. Our trip to Canada was great, although it was a whirlwind we had a blast travelling, catchin up with friends and family and of course....stampeding!
MAY 2012
Lots happend in May. Jaymee turned 8 years old. Her birthday party was cancelled due to the fact that she suffered a severe asthma attack a week before. We spent the day at the hospital, finally to be released as long as we kept up with the medication at home. It was a scary one, we had to get up every 4 hours for 7 days and pump her full of steroids, trying to get her pulse oxygen up. We got into a Pulmonary specialist and we now have her on a new asthma regime, so far so good.
Jaymee turns 8!
(For those of you who are unfamiliar this is a Littlest Pet Shop cake)

Birthday party for my big girl

Littlest Pet shops!
Think Pink!
Walk to remember Robin

 Breast Cancer walk remembering Robin
 Day at the beach
(L: Jordyn, William, Jaymee and Gabe)
Rob and his "mini-me" Gabe
 Lunch at our house!
(L: Jaymee, Sarah, Jordyn and Sienna)

(L: Jaymee, Sienna, Jordyn and Sarah)

Making sushi with mom!
My Oscar winning performance!
Shockingly I performed in a skit with the theatre group, it was a blast. I was told I have quite the facial expressions....huh who knew?
Bubble, bubble toil and trouble!
Oh my...really there are no words
June 2012
The school year is ending and we are counting the days down to our trip back home! Said good-bye to some good friends in style and battled it out at the Battle of the Bands and survived another year of ballet!
Jaymee's 2nd grade class
Lemonade stand
(L: Adrienne, Jaymee and Alejandro)
I mean who wouldn't buy lemonade from that face?

Doughnuts for Dad
Father's Day celebration
They are builiding a new building at the school so the Art teachers came up with a great idea to have every class paint the panels that covered the construction.
Jordyn with her art work
Notice how Jordyn's pasta art is the only one perfectly linear?....I'm just sayin
Battle of the Bands
Battle of the Bands
(L: Kelly D, Kelly M, Heather, Me, Nancy and tucked behind is Tanya!)

Battle of the Bands
(L: Nancy, Heather, LaLani and Me)

Battle of the Bands
(L: Adrienne, Kelly S. and Me)

Well we survived another year of ballet, this year's performance was "Anastasia"

Ballet Jaymee

Our little ballerina

Mom and her ballerina

Sharing a laugh before the big performance

The Big Performance

Little Miss Jaymee!

Jazz time!

Adrienne and Jaymee

Saying goodbye to friends is never easy, at least they went out in style!
The day started out with a bike ride, then run/walk followed by a nap, then the afternoon was zumba and yoga followed again by a nap to awaken to hit the pub crawl! Such fun!

Zumba girls

Zumba men

Saying goodbye to good friends. Lauritzen family we will miss you
(L: Eric, Sarah and Dawn)

We could be twins!
(LaLani and I)

Moving to our next spot

Whoo hooo!

July 2012

Off to Canada we go!

Our first day in Canada

Nannan and her girls
(Geez Nannan their almost as tall as you!)

Enjoying and A&W float with Grandpa

Jordyn and Grandpa

What is this wetness on my arm? The one and only time it rained for us!

Science Center
Off to the science center with Nannan, Grandpa and cousin Grayson

Grandpa, Grayson and Nannan

Grayson, Jordyn and Jaymee

Jaymee and Grayson

Nanna and Jordyn looking at the moon.
No matter where we are in the world, we look up and see the moon and think of Nannan and Grampy back home!
Jordyn's dress she designed out of scraps of material

Jaymee's dress

Staring contest...who blinked first?

Off to see more friends and family

Jaymee and her buddy Isabella

The Balzac troop
(Jaymee, Julianna, Isabella and Jordyn)
The night was filled with pizza and a trip to Build-a-bear

Darby and Auntie

Smiles from Darby-loo

Uncle Chris and Daddy

Uncle Chris

Chris and Tyra

Mom and Darby


 Ahhh timbits!
At the zoo with Nannan
Gotta love ice cream
Don't you have a gardner to do that?

Cowboy up, it's Stampede time!

How to get cowboy boots off
Rob and I ready for stampede

 Kirsty and Jason

Erin and I

Yee haw, girls are ready to cowboy up!
(L: Erin, Kirsty, Me, Lisa and Val)

The "gang" ready to stampede! Taking the C-train

Now those are some fine cowboys!

 Riding the rails in style!

Karie and I

Us gals at Cowboys Night Club and Casino

Lisa and Kirsty

 Yee haw!

Angela and I

 Kelowna, British Columbia
Off to the lake we go!


Lake looks a little chilly!

Jaymee on the lake

Jordyn bouncing on the trampoline that was in the lake

Jordyn cruising
Trampoline on the lake
Surfer girl

Emma and the girls at the campsite

Going tubing!

Why dirty more dishes? Its much more classier to eat the pies out of the boxes!

Day at H20

Grayson, Jordyn and Jaymee heading to the waterslides

Swimming in the wave pool

Such great cousins

After a day at the pool we headed to Montana's for ribs and chicken wings...okay and beer too!

Grayson and Jaymee

Kisses from Rob

 Rob and Val

 Kirsty and Jason


The kids table
At Auntie's house with Darby

Girl's Night Out!

Me and my gals!
(L: Me, Kirsty and Val)
Love you guys!

What are you to do after a night of drinking? Stand in a fountain, of course...and there may have been some butt showing



 My girls!Love and miss you guys!

 There are no words....

Back to the sandpit we go

 Staying cool

Getting over jet lag with some friends at the pool

Jordyn turns 6!

Jordyn wanted a cake made of her favorite stuffy "orange crush"

 Jordyn turns 6!

August 2012
August was interesting to say the least, our internet was down for a few weeks sue to a virus that corrupted the system...good times. So Eid came and we headed off to Bahrain


Mom and Jordyn going for sushi

Mmmmmm sushi

Sushi tummy, what happens after eating 30 pcs of sushi!

September 2012
September was the beginning of a new year of school. The girls were excited to see all their friends and see who was in their classes and mommy gets some peace and quiet at home!
 First day of school!
(L: Brenna, Allison and Jaymee)
 My big girls!
 Jordyn's first day of Grade 1
 Jaymee's first day of Grade 3
In 3rd grade they get to do clubs and Jaymee is so excited because she got cheerleading!
  Jordyn with Suva
  Cakes and cupcakes
This year I have decided to hang up the apron. I love making cakes, but it was one crazy year last year and I got burnt out.
 Tropical cupcakes


 Pirate cupcakes

 Some teachers at the school got their Master's...way to go!

 Master's cake 2
Well that is all for now. Have a great school year and keep watching the blog, I will do my best to update it regularily.
Love and miss all of you!
Hugs and Kisses
The Richards Family