Happy March everyone!
It has been yet another whirl wind of a month for the Richards Family, with crazy weather, Rob's field trip, trips to the hospital and a major water maine break, we are ready for our trip to Dubai!

Some humor for ya

International Day
It was International Day at the Hills school for the kindergarteners. They had to dress up in outfits from the country they are from. There was a huge parade around the school and then a wonderful performance by the kids where they sang songs and danced. Even sang a song in Arabic about family....so cute!
Singing their hearts out
International Day
(L: Jordyn, Gabe and Riley)
Princess Canada and Captian Canada
Jordyn and Riley
Riley and his mom, Leanne. Miss you guys!
Friends of ours moved back to Australia, gonna miss them a lot.

Record breaking news:

Yes it snowed in Saudi Arabia

Us Canadian's call this a skiff, but to them it was a blizzard!

More snow

snowy roads
We didn't get any snow here on camp, but it sure was cold enough. We actually hit -2C (28 F). I actually went out and bought the girls mitts! This was in Tobuq (toe-bouk) where Rob was heading for a 2 1/2 week course/field trip.
So what do you do when its cold? Have a get together Star Wars style!

Storm trooper hookers
(Tanya and I...who else could make a storm trooper costume look good?)
Kelly and James

Pregnant Princess?

Storm trooper

Don (Luke I am your faaaathhher)

Now the real drama hits:
We had a really nasty shamal (sand storm) and that caused Jaymee to have an asthma attack, so we headed to the hospital, but when we returned we found our front yard in the street!

What we came home to after the trip to the hospital

There go the tiles
So I called maintence to come out and fix this problem, what they found out was there was a water break somewhere under our house! But it gets better, I get Jaymee settled on the couch and get Jordyn ready to go back to school, after lunch, and Jordyn jumps off the couch and embeds a 'bull dog' clip in her foot. Screaming and lots of blood. But I was not going back to the hospital so I managed to slow th bleeding down enough to crazy glue the wound closed, it worked. Now I have two children on the couch and a massive water main break on my hands!
The crime scene
With all the fences in the front yard and blood on the floor it looked like a crime scene...only at our house.

They worked through the entire night

Safety first
Hole in our yard
After two days they finally found the break and fixed it up. But the water needed to be shut off, so we decided it was time to get out of here, so we headed to Bahrain for a couple of nights.

Bahrain, yes I am wearing a long sleeve at the pool it was chilly 25C (77F). I'm gonna freeze in Canada this summer!

Cannon Ball!

Cannon Ball

Silly girls

My how they have grown

Always the character...don't know who she gets that from.
Jaymee and her lemons, that kid kills me she eats them like oranges!

Ooodles and oodles of noodles!
(L: Cooper, Jaymee and Conal)
Other fun pictures
The metal chunk that went through the tire of Rob's vehicle while they were out in the field. Pretty lucky those guys are that it hit the tire and didn't fly higher considering everyone drives 140km here!

Looks like something out of Star Wars, just need the sand people to come running out

Cakes, cakes and more cakes
Beatles cake

Yoda cake

Zebra cake

Well that is all for now, stay tuned as we are heading to Dubai for a much needed vacation! Miss you all!

Love The Richards Family