Well September started off with a bang, Jaymee entered Second Grade and Jordyn started Kindergarten. We said goodbye to some great friends who headed off to Houston and we watched the principals of the school walk the plank. September has been great!

Eric and Ambrest....and Nancy!

Going out in style...dinner of steak, potatoes, shrimp, beans and salad, what more could you ask for?

The kids

The "last supper"

Texas cake

Saying goodbye to friends as they head off back to Houston!
Because everything is BIGGER in Texas!

The First Day of School!
My how time has flown, the kids are growing up so fast! They are loving school and are happy to be reunited with new and old friends
Second grade for Jaymee this year

My how Jaymee has grown!

Daddy and his girls

Mommy and her girls!

Big sister and Little sister

Walking to school

Walking to school with old friends and a couple of new ones

Mommy hanging out with her big kindergartener

Jordyn's new teacher Mrs. Spicer

They have fish in Jordyn's classroom, can you imagine the look on her face when she saw those?

Connecting with old friends
(L: Reina, Jaymee and Allison)

The Three Musketeers are in the same class together this year, they were very excited!

Jaymee and her buddy Reina (they have been in the same class together since kindergarten, plus they only live a block away from one another)

So Jordyn's first week was spent trying to find the gingerbread man, apparently he kept leaving messages all over the school (this was how they introduced the kindergarteners to the library, they gym, the office, the nurse's room etc... it was a great way for them to learn the school), finally they found that crazy guy, but he poisoned Mr. Fisher (principal) so they all had to chant "gingerbread man, gingerbread man" until Mr. Fisher woke up, he then found the gingerbread man and the kids helped him eat him up so he wouldn't run away again...too cute!

Jaymee's second week of school was Pirate week, throughout the summer the 2nd graders had a standing bet going with all three principals to read a book everyday in the summer, plus read 10 additional books in the second week. If the principals did not meet the challenge they were to walk the plank! What do you think happend?

The capture of Mr. Fisher...walk the plank matey!

The pirates, they are a comin'

Walk the plank! They chanted this all the way from the school and we could hear them all the way at the pool!

Arrrggg they walked the plank!

In goes Mr. Fisher!

Dr. Smith going in, he tried to get away with it by saying he read 10 e-mails, but the kids would not accept that, he had to read 10 books...just like they all did!

Mr Chavez going in!

See what happens when you don't do your homework?
(L: Dr. Smith, Mr. Fisher and Mr. Chavez)

Jaymee and Ms De La Cruz

Ms De La Cruz's second grade class

Jaymee with her teacher Ms. De La Cruz and her buddies
(L: Reina, Jaymee, Allison and Regan)

Some more cakes

Garden Bug mini cakes

Cake for a friend, couldn't buy her the real thing so I made one out of chocolate!

Texas cake

So that is all for the month of September, I start preschool on the 25th and have my own class, I am looking forward to another year at the preschool. I must admit it is nice to have the house to myself with Jordyn in school, but looking forward to seeing all those cute little faces! Hope all is well and until next time......

Love the Richards Family