Well it is that time to catch up on the blog! We had a great summer, although it was a long and hot one. In June we went to Bahrain for a Father's Day weekend. The boys golfed and the women hung out at the pool with the kids. July we did our annual trip to Dubai, this time with the Harrington Family. Also in July we celebrated Jordyn's 5th birthday!

August was filled with trying to keep the kids entertained until school starts on Sept 10, 2011 and making it through another Ramadan.

Jaymee is entering Grade 2 and Jordyn is starting Kindergarten....where does the time go? Sit back and enjoy the blog.

Father's Day golf weekend in Bahrain

Father's Day weekend in Bahrain

Such pertty girls!

Off the dinner we go. We took the men out to the Meat Company for dinner and drinks.

LaLani and Steven

Heather and Jay

Don and Tanya

Jenn and Justin


Some more fun cakes I have made over the months of June. I stopped making cakes for the summer...I needed a break! But orders are already coming in for September!

Beer cake

Flip flop cake for a good friend. We had a Luau party for her, it was a blast!

Pirate cake

Boarding school cake. This cake was made for two families that had their daughters heading off to boarding school. I don't even want to think about that! Here we don't have High School, so the majority of the kids go to boarding school all over the world at the expense of the company. I can't imagine how hard it must be for parents to say goodbye.

Side view Boarding school cake

Other side view of boarding school cake

Jordyn's SpongeBob cake

Happy 5th Birthday Miss Jordyn!

Jordyn opening presents

Blowing out the candles

Some other fun pictures

Nope it didn't rain...that's humidity folks!


My little car washers

Washing the car

Can you believe she's cold????

Always smiling!

Mommy and Jaymee

Water main break

This water shot up in the sky for over two hours before they were able to turn it off, funny thing it only took 20 minutes for the road to dry up!

Off to Dubai we go!

Getting ready to board the plane to Dubai!

Jordyn and Gabe making sure their Dsi are ready to go

Wave jumping

Jumping waves (look the air Jaymee has! I see volleyball in her future, just like her mom)

Diving Jaymee

Diving Jordyn

The Harrington Family

The Richards Family (gotta love our family shots at the bar!)

Jordyn getting her hair braided

Jordyn hair braided

Jaymee getting her hair braided

Jaymee with her hair braided

Our little braided girls

Peace baby! Rob and I have come to the realization that yes we are in trouble with this one!

While we were in Dubai we decided to go to the seven star hotel for dinner

Heather and I going for dinner

Heather and Jay at the 7 star hotel for dinner

The happy couple...Happy anniversary you two!

Heather loving the car

Can I have one of those?
I'll buy you one of those:

$65,000 watch

Jaymee taking picutres

Heather and I enjoying some beverages on the roof top in Dubai

Jaymee and Will getting ready for bed

Popsicle man! A few times a day the hotel would have this guy walk around the pool handing out these popsicle...they were so yummy!

Rob and I

Yep its still there

The kids posing with the camel

Finally, here is Jaymee sing with all her Grade 1 friends for the final concert of the year. We are so proud of her, she has really come out of her shell. Her confidence has sky rocketed here....the once quiet, shy little girl is now participating in shows. Way to go sweetheart we love you!

That is all for now. Like I always say: we love and miss all of you, but we are having the time of our lives here!

The Richards Family