I know its been awhile since I have updated the blog, I appoligize for that but things have been crazy busy around here. Sit back and enjoy the blog, this is the month of FEBRUARY.

Starting off with some Saudi culture for you:

Hookah pipe or shisha (pronounced sheesha) are also known as a waterpipe. They smoke the tobacco (known as shisha)at social gatherings. There are many Shisha cafe that Arabic people go to. Social smoking is done with a single or doulble hose and sometimes even more numberous such as triple pr quadruple hoses are used. When the smoker is finished, either the hose is placed back on the table to signify it is available or it is handed from one user to the next, folded back on itself so that the mouthpiece is not pointing at the recipient. There are many flavors of shisha like apple, licorice and others. I personally have not tried a shisha and really have no desire, but I find it interesting.
What else is interesting about Shisha smoking is traditionally the men will sit in a circle and smoke the pipe, when they are finished they will allow the women to sit and smoke, but they will not smoke with the men.

Full women dress
An Abaya is the long black dress that is worn (this is what I wear when I am out of the camp)
Niqaab (Nick whab) this is the veil that covers the face and entire head but with a place cut out for eyes
Hijab this is the headscarf that sometimes is worn by women, this does not cover their entire face just their hair

Full dress with sunglasses...interesting

Traditionally men wear thawbes (thobes)it is a loose robe. During the winter months, men will wear sand brown or balk thawbes and in the summer wear white thawbes
Igal is part of the headress worn by men, it is a black rope like cord. They are worn on top of the head to keep the ghutra (goo trah) in place
Ghutra (goo trah)is a checkered scraf worn loosely over the head
That is your lesson on the attire worn in Saudi Arabia.

A Day at the beach!

The kids

Heather and Gabe (true Canadians)

Taking the boat out

It must be 4:00, Jordyn's witching hour


Nothing like a bbq at the beach!

Mmmm roasted marshmallows

Roasting marshmallows

The crew (L: LaLani, Heather and Jay)

Jordyn pulling Michael

Digging a ditch

The men (L: Jay, Michael, Steven and William)


(L: Jaymee, William, Jacob, Jordyn and Gabe)

Jaymee and William

Good Friends

Gabe and Jordyn

The Prince's house (part of it)

Heather and LaLani

Shopping with friends

Shopping in Khobar (L: Tanya, Kelly and Me) in our abayas

Tanya, Me and Kelly

Harley Davidson Ralley on camp

Harley Davidson show in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia (Who'd of thought?)

Entertainment at the Harley Davidson ralley

Look at all those bikes!

Bike parade around the camp

These pictures are for you Zeer family!

Amazing artwork

Blue bike was my favorite

More bikes

Some cool bikes

More bikes

We even have our own bikers!

Priceless picutre!

More soccer entertainment

>div> James (Friend of our plays in a band)

Face painting

Jordyn face painted

Even Red Bull is here!

Rob's field trip to Riyadh

Riyadh (This is the capital and largest city in Saudi Arabia)

Desert sunset

Wild camels

Camel getting "fresh" with Rob

Old village

I love this picture

See we have mountains...sorry 'a' mountain

Ancient writing

Pilgrim path

Better picture of the pilgrim path

More cool rocks

Yoddle, yoddle lay hee hoo

More moutains!

Wild camels, crazy used to seeing cattle on the sides of roads, now its camels...still can't get my head around it!

Girls Weekend in Bahrain

On our way to Bahrain

L to R: Kelly, Jenn, Kelly(2) and me

Wine tastingi

L to R: Kjirsti, Jenn, Me Kelly, Heather, Kelly (2)and Anna (she has 2 year old triplets at home...she needed this weekend more than any of us!)

Lounging around

The weather is a changing!

See it does rain here.

No one really knows what to do when it rains here, as you can se there are 'some' drainage issues

Lots of rain

Lake in the middle of the road (this is one of the main roads we take into town to go grocery shopping or head to the mall)

Dude! Stop driving 120km/hr and then slam on your brakes, oh yeah you may want to stay in between the white lines too.

More rain pictures

Jordyn's Graduation from afternoon Preschool, her wonderful teacher had to close the school early to look after some family matters. We wish her the best and thank her for all the work and love she gives each and every child. We love you Ms Odette!

Hugs from Ms. Odette

Jordyn with Ms. Odette

Ms Odette and Jordyn

Our little preschool Graduate!

Jordyn's preschool song!

That is all for the month of February, while you are reading this blog, I will be working on March! Miss you all sending lots of love from Saudi Arabia!

The Richards Familiy