Well it is that time again, yet another month has passed and we are adjusting quite well in our new home in Saudi Arabia. This month we travelled to Bahrain, celebrated Jordyn's 4th birthday and have endured our first Ramadan, (although it isn't quite over for another few weeks), so.... what is Ramadan exactly?

On the 9th month of the Islamic calendar, Muslims refrain from eating, drinking and sexual activities from dawn until sunset. So why do they fast? Fasting is meant to teach Muslims patience, modesty and spirituality.....interesting.

During Ramadan Muslims ask for forgiveness for past sins, pray for guidance and help in refraining from everyday evils and try to purify themselves through self-restraint and good deeds....hmmm, again very interesting.

Along with fasting Muslims are encouraged to read the Qur'an. The Qur'an is the central religious verbal text of Islam.

So what does all this mean for us non-Muslims? Well basically out of respect we are not to be seen eating or drinking around Muslims. Not so much on the compound but more outside of it being seen eating or drinking during Ramadan in the daylight hours is considered a crime and can be prosecuted as such, the penalties range from community service to fines, bottom line its not worth being caught, however if you are pregnant, a woman on her 'you know what', a woman nursing, a child or someone who medically has to eat or drink to stay well, also those people who travel long distances (approx. 64km a day) are exempt from fasting. At the offices here on camp they have rooms called Sin rooms, where us 'westerners' can go and have coffee and snacks. The Muslims leave at 1:00pm everyday to be with their families. They work the mornings, but do to the late hours during Ramadan, they sleep during the day and then have their big feast sunset and go ALL night. It is quiet here on the camp, but off of it the streets are bustling.

In the past grocery stores were the only the stores open during the day. The malls would open after sunset and stay open until 1:00am or 2:00am. Now some of the malls are open for certain times during the day for some of us 'westerners'. So that about sums up Ramadan here. Now what have we been up to?

We are still trying to get used to the heat here, there have been a few days that have hit 54 C (129 F) with 75% or higher humidity! So we decided to cut the girls jammies into shorts so they can sleep comfortably at night,even though the A/C goes full blast, (I'm usually dressed in sweats and a sweatshirt...who would have thought? Sometimes I need to go outside to warm up!)

Jaymee in her new cutoff jammies!

Jordyn in her new cut-off jammies
They used the legs for hats, too cute.

THANKS MOM AND DAD....our E-box arrived in the middle of July. We now have a functioning coffee pot, a vacuum that actually works and a bunch of wonderful things, like chalk...

The girls

Jordyn coloring with chalk

Jaymee thinking what she's going to draw with the chalk Nannan and Grandpa sent in out e-box

Beautiful Jaymee

Beautiful Jordyn

Girls coloring with chalk

Happy Birthday Jordyn!

Jordyn's Scooby-Doo cake, yes I made it!

Jordyn blowing out her candle...with a little help from Daddy

Jordyn with her Scooby-Doo head

Jaymee enjoying her cake

Jaylin at Jordyn's birthday

Opening presents, Jordyn asked for a racetrack


Jordyn with her card from friends in Balzac. Thanks Barbo family!

Opening more presents

Mommy and her girls

Jordyn and Suva

Jaymee and Suva

Thank you everyone who sent birthday wished to Jordyn, she had a wonderful day!


One of the gates to go through to get into Bahrain, can you say traffic jam? Sometimes it can take all day to get through all the gates and into Bahrain, so make sure you've packed lots of water and DVD's for the kids...I have to tell you bathroom breaks are difficult.... and not really recommended...just be prepared!

Another gate, there are six all together

Entering the Kingdom of Bahrain

I cannot remember the name of this building, but Rob and I watched the making of this builiding on Discovery channel back in Canada when Saudi Arabia wasn't even in our sights...neat how things happen.

Our hotel...The Gulf hotel


Jordyn loved the fish that surrounded the hotel

Jaylin, Trevor and Kelly


My beautiful family

Swinging at the pool

Waterpark at the hotel, this place was great for the kids, the water wasn't that deep, there were waterslides and swings and sprinklers, it was great!

I love this picture of Jaylin

Jordyn swimming to Daddy - the girls are really doing well with their swimming. Jordyn now swims without any help from Mom or Dad! Its hard to believe that a mere month ago she wouldn't even put her face in the water and now she swims on her own! Way to go Kooche!

Jaymee swimming on her own...another fish. We can't get the kids out of the pools now its great! I have to admit it is much more relaxing to go to the pool now that the kids can swim and I no longer have things attached to me.

Jordyn waving underwater

Jaymee underwater...there's no nose plugging! Silly girl!

Now on to the fun part...babysitters have the kids its time to have some fun!

Sushi night!

(L: Rob, Trevor, Kelly and Me)

Mmmmm sushi, notice a pattern here with Kelly and I?

We love our seafood!

AND THEN... the drinks really started to flow....

See what happens when you get real alcohol?

Trevor and Don, do I have anything in my nose?

Kelly and I

Rock on!

(L: Me, Kelly, Tanya)

Finally le piece de resitance of the evening:

Yes, thobes dance

So that was Bahrain, can't wait to go back. Its only a 45 min drive if you go at the right time.
Here are more fun pictures

Pool in our yard, thanks again to the shipment we recieved air filters and a proper pump for the pool. It was great to play in, but sadly we had to take down the pool because it was too hard to keep having to fill it with ice to keep it cool. So we made the family decision to take it down until the winter when its a little cooler and we can really enjoy it! Never thought I'd say I'm taking a pool down because its too hot and never thought I'd say we'll put it back up in the winter! I love it here!

See Nannan I'm floating! Good work Jaymee!

Jaymee diving

Jordyn searching for ponies


Jordyn enjoying her home made popsicle another wonderful thing sent to us in our e-box...popsicle makers!

Jaymee enjoying her home-made popsicle.

Red tongue after popsicle in the pool

Another red tongue

We have to make our own because the weather is too hot that they would melt before we even got home...even though the grocery store is only a 10min dirve! We actually bring a cooler with us to get the frozen things home!

So I feel I need to explain this Fair and Handsome a little more, this is a whitening cream (and not for your teeth!) Yes folks, you simply apply this to your face and you magically get Micheal Jackson syndrome and turn white!

Birthday wishes to all our friends and family out there!

Daniel B - Aug 1

Juliana B - Aug 4

Brenda - Aug 15

Michele - Aug 15

Rachelle - Aug 28

Mike G - Aug 28

Kurt W - Aug 31

We hope you enjoyed the latest blog, we are loving our new life here, but we miss everyone of you! I want to say a special thanks again to the Zeer family. You guys have been great tieing up all the loose ends we had back in Canada, like selling our car. We can't thank you enough!!!
Well until next time....

Love The Richards Family