Happy Stampede to all the Calgarians out there!

Make sure to have some min doughnuts for me, hope the weather is nice for the greatest show on earth!

Its crazy to think we have been in Saudi Arabia for 3 months! Wow has time flown! Its still hot and only getting hotter, but we are still happy here. The pools have been cooled off, friends have departed back to their homes for the summer and school is out...time for some fun!

So what better fun than travelling? It's time for Dubai in July Richards style! Sit back and enjoy, there are a lot of pictures, but we wanted you to experience the paradise along with us, so turn up your thermostats and grab a cold one and enjoy!

Someone said to me before we left for Saudi Arabia:

It's not GOODBYE but...

(thanks Auntie Val)

Our hotel

The Jurmeirah Beach Resort Hotel - Dubai

Beautiful picture of the Burj al arab - the 7 star hotel

Picture of it at night....

Note: There are a lot of pictures of this hotel

I love this picture This was taken in the Executive lounge the reflection is off the glass table.


More beach pictures

Jaymee collecting shells

Jordyn collecting shells

The girls on the beach

Beautiful river that runs through the hotel

The Executive Pool where we spent most of our time

Burj Dubai - this was the view from the balcony of our room

The girls loved playing chess...more moving the pieces around, but it was fun

The girls checking out the hotel

Jaymee and Jordyn

This was taken from the 24th floor looking down, the red are floors and the stripped carpet is the lobby

Burj Dubai

- tallest building in the world it has 160 stories
- it cost almost 1.5 billion US dollars to build

-before the economic crisis they were selling floor space at $4000 US per square foot!
Indoor Ski - this was inside a mall! Think West Edmonton Mall with the amusement park, but instead put in a ski hill! We didn't go in, we just don't miss the snow that much, yet. Maybe next time!

View of Dubai from the hotel, that long bridge in the background is the indoor ski hill


Mommy and Daddy enjoying their "first" beer in 3 months!

Mmmm Beer!

Yay! Happy mommy is having a REAL drink

The girls at the bar - gotta start 'em young

Excuse me sir...may we have another?


We thought we would celebrate by having the kids looked after by babysitters and go out for the night! It was great, we ate seafood (hand picked lobsters, but Kelly and I), oysters in the shell, scallops and crab....oh yeah and lots wine!

The Marina restaurant

Kelly and I

Kelly and I at the restaurant (we were going to try to re-create the titanic scene, but thought better of it)

Kelly and I picking out our lobsters

Holding our catch

Here we are with our live lobsters!

The boys enjoying their dinner for two

Kelly with her claw
You will be happy to hear that both Kelly and I finished our entire lobsters (we checked a few times to see if any meat was missed) PLUS we finished the boys lobster too! We rock!
After a wonderful dinner we headed to Uptown which is an outdoor bar on top of the hotel, it was amazing, we honestly felt like celebrities. There were white couches that lined the roof top and over looked nothing else but the Burj al arab hotel. It was really neat!

Trevor and Kelly

Rob and I

Kelly and I

Welcome to Wild Wadi Water Park!

This was taken from the wave pool, this is all the water slides the kids can go on, the water is only ankle deep, it was great! There was a large bucket that would dump on the whole place soaking you while you climbed the steps to the many different slides...it was great!

This is the kids slides, Jaymee couldn't wait to get back in there!

Jordyn coming down the slide

Here comes Jaymee

Daddy trying out the slides

Water guns, each slide had these for the kids to play with while they waited their turn, they got to spray kids while they walked up to the slides.

View of hotel from the HUGE slide Rob and Trevor went down!

Here goes Trevor! Rob did this slide too, he said it was awesome...aside from the enema he recieved!

The two girls!

My sweeties

Little Kooch

Jaymee loved to go down on her tummy, just like her Daddy!

Wild Water Park to the right is the wave pool

Our hotel from the water park

Jaymee floating down the Wild Water Water River

Jaymee tubing down the river

Jordyn tubing down the river - she loved this ride

Jordyn tubing - Daddy kept spinning her, she loved it!

The two muskateers, they had life jacket for all sizes it was great

Some fun at the Beach!

The Richards feet in the sea

Jordyn's footprints in the sand

I love this picture...Jordyn looking for sea shells

My favorite picture! I'm having it blown up and stretched on a canvas

Daddy and the girls jumping waves

Hi Daddy and Jaymee

Mommy and Jordyn

Rob and Trevor catching some waves

Pool Time and other fun pictures

Rob and Trevor enjoying a cigar at the pool

Daddy and Kooche

Daddy's ice hat

Rob and Trevor

Jalyn enjoying the slide at the kids pool

Daddy and Jordyn

Daddy this isn't a shower, its part of the kids pool!

Jaymee with the water gun

Jordyn with the water gun

Teeter-totter in the pool! This place rocks!

Mommy and Jaymee


Mommy and Jaymee

The Richards Girls

Tough day at the pool


Mommy and Tiger Jaymee

Daddy and his baby Tiger

Jordyn and Daddy

Our two darlings!

Jaymee showing her arms painted, check out those tan lines!

Princess Jordyn - look at those baby blues!

Wow another beautiful Princess!

Jaymee all painted up!

Sadly it was our last night in Dubai, so to celebrate we went back to the Marina restaurant!

The chef catching my lobster

My last lobster...he was a fiesty one!

Koochee, Koochee, Kooo!

Me on our last night in Dubai

Rob on our last night in Dubai

Well I hope you enjoyed our first trip to Dubai, I know we loved it. The girls didn't want to leave but we will be back...after all its only a 50 min flight, that's right 50 mins! Honestly this was paradise and I hope some of you are fortunate enough to visit Dubai (Auntie Val get mom here!). It truly made a 5 star resort in Mexico look like a 2 star, so keep that in mind when you book your next vacation. Give us a call and we'll meet you there! The shopping was wonderful, the people are friendly and the food was to die for!

After a week in Dubai I was looking forward to heading back to SA, it's not as humid, in Dubai everytime you stepped outside your sunglasses fogged up along with your camera lens, it was crazy! I absolutely loved Dubai and can not wait to go back, but there are many other places we plan on travelling too so stay tuned!

Birthday wishes to all I wish I could be there to celebrate but we will be thinking of all of you on your special day:

July 7th - Tyra and me

July 16th - Erin M.

July 17th - Tanya B. and Erin L.

July 23rd - Kim D.

July 31st - Jordyn R.

July ????- Daniel B.

Note: there are a lot of people reading this blog so privacy sake I'm only putting first names!

If I missed anyone, I'm truly sorry!

Well that is all there is to report from us for now, we hope all is well with all of you and miss each and everyone of you! Happy Stampede and Have a super summer!

Hugs and Kisses to all


The Richards Family