Another month has passed and we are still enjoying life in Saudi Arabia. I must admit it is getting rather hot, but I'm hoping I'll get used to it....not! The only way I can describe the heat here is, walk into a sauna, ensure you bring a hair dryer with you. Turn the dryer on and blow it into your face. If you are especially brave, feel free to walk around the sauna a few times, still blowing the dryer in you face. How do you feel? That's what I thought...welcome to Saudi Arabia.
So what you may ask do we do is such weather?

YOU HAVE GAME NIGHT....That's what!
good friends, good laughs
(left: Jeff, Steven, Nancy and Raye)
Just watching the show
(left: Gary, Jenn and Steven)
Lani and Lisa
(background Dave and Nancy)
Nancy and Raye

Below are some pictures we have taken and friends of ours have taken (thanks Jenn!)of some hilarious products that are sold in Saudi Arabia. We are taking orders, but shipping and handling may cost a bundle!
NOTE: These are for real and are actually sold here

Fair and Handsome

Virginity soap. Hmmm...I wonder what that does?

I think a lot of men shop here

really? what you do with this I have no idea...frankly I don't want to know...ewww!

Good thing canned squid is packaged in natural ink...yum.

Wonder what happens if you let this tea steep too long?

Yes there is a McDonald's here and this is a picture of the delivery cars. You read correctly...McDonald's delivers to the camp gate! It really is a rough life here...honest.
Princess Tea Party

Jordyn was invited to her first tea party. It was so much fun, all the girls were polite as princesses!
Princess tea party
So dainty

Pictures of the Richards Home
For those of you who are curious of what our house looks like, here are some picutres

Front of our house

Front entrance
(to the right is the stairs to upstairs and the kitchen, to the left is the office, dinning room and living room)
Kitchen (obviously)

Kitchen nook is to the left, ooops I left the dishwasher door open!

Dining room (only bit of Aramco furniture that is left)
Hand carved wooden partition

The office

Our desks, I'm on the left, Rob is on the right. This is where all the skype conversations take place!

Living Room
Living room

I had the furniture re-upholstered this whole set cost less than $1000 CAN! I love this place! And they had it finished in less than a week, delivered it and placed it where I wanted it to go! Now that's service!
I let the girls choose their own colors for their rooms, they were so excited. They chose bright colors that are fun.
Jaymee's Barbie room
Jordyn's Scooby Doo room

Backyard patio
Some other fun pictures

Date tree (No if you hug it you won't get a date, these are actual dates that are EVERYWHERE on the camp)

A little snooze after a day at the pool.
Swimming is hard work!
Monkey cupcakes I made for Jaymee's end of kindergarten party (it was held a little early due to the number of children that were leaving early for summer vacation. School ends June 30)

Jaymee having a relaxing day
Movie day was too much for Jordyn
Not much more to report, but for those of you may come and visit I put together a few words in Arabic for you:
Yalla - means c'mon or hurry up or let's go
Ma shaa Allah - one says in order not to jinx someone's luck
Ya salam - oh wow!
habibti - my love
yummah - means 'mummy' and can also be used for an expression to indicate fear or surprise
abaya - long, loose black robe worn on top of clothes whenever a woman is outdoors (we don't wear these on the camp, only when we are out shopping in Khobar or elsewhere)
thobe - long white dress worn by men (the men don't wear these only if you are arabic male, "western" men wear conservative clothing outside the camp - long pants and golf shirt)

That is all from the Richards Family this month, stayed tuned to the blog as we are planning on doing quite a bit of travelling over the summer! Happy summer everyone and congrats to Colleen and Connor on their wedding on June 26, 2010, we wish we could have been there to share your special day. We were thinking about you a lot and we can't wait to see the pictures. Also Happy Anniversary to Mom and Dad on July 1!
We miss eveyone very much, take care and until next time.......
Love the Richards Family XOXOXOXO